Chloe Margherita is an astrologer, tarot reader, poet and artist living on unceded Cowlitz and Clackamas land in so-called Portland, OR. 

She grew up in New Jersey.

Find out more about her here


Recent Bedroom

To stay up to date on my current projects and offerings, as well as get weekly updates on astrology, poetry, embodiment, please subscribe to my newsletter, Recent Bedroom.

The Stars of Love

1hr. 36 minutes

February 2025
Did you know there are fixed stars specifically attuned to romance and relationships? Did you know you could draw them down and bring more love into your life with them, romantically or otherwise?

This lecture aims to highlight four stars of romance and connection to help you understanding their amorous nature and bring their love magic into your own world.

Since the beginning of the year, I have spent time studying and practicing with the fixed stars attuned to bringing more romance and connection into our lives.

The stars discussed include:
  • Mirach, 0º Taurus
  • Sirius, 14º Cancer
  • Alpheratz, 14º Aries
  • Alphecca, 12º Scorpio

This lecture helps bring more beauty, connection, friendship, healing, embodiment, and so much more into your life, regardless of your relationship status

Learn more here

The Behenian Stars: an Introduction

1hr. 23 minutes

February 2025

Embarking on your stellar journey and don’t know which stars to focus on? Want to create a strong fixed star foundation? Start here. 

This video lecture covers all 15 of these foundational, powerful fixed stars, including:

- Algol, Eye of Medusa, 26º Taurus
- The Pleiades, the 7 Sisters, 0º Gemini
- Aldebaran, Eye of the Bull, 10º Gemini
- Capella, The Charioteer, 22º Gemini
- Sirius, Major Dog Star, 14º Cancer
- Procyon, Lesser Dog Star, 26º Cancer
- Regulus, Heart of the Lion, 0º Virgo
- Alkaid, Tail of the Bear, 27º Virgo
- Algorab, The Crow, 13º Libra
- Spica, The Maiden’s Sheaf of Wheat, 24º Libra
- Arcturus, The Hunter-Farmer, 24º Libra
- Alphecca, The Flower Crown, 12º Scorpio
- Antares, The Heart of the Scorpio, 10º Sagittarius
- Vega, Orpheus’s Lyre, 15º Capricorn
- Deneb Algedi, Tail of the Sea-Goat, 23º Aquarius

In this lecture, I gather my extensive knowledge and practice with these stars in order to demystify their history and special place within the stellar pantheon.
This content is for all stellar astrologers, researchers, magicians, and practitioners, particularly those who feel excited at combining their intellectual knowledge with direct experience and ritual with the stars.

Learn more here 

What’s the Vibe? 2025: an astrological breakdown of 2025 by month, week and day

135 pp

December 2024
Welcome to a devotion to the quotidian shifts and monumental moments found within a given year.

What’s the Vibe? 2025 is your celestial guide to all the movements over the next 365 days, both vast and intimate.

What’s the Vibe? 2025 is a monthly, weekly, and daily breakdown of the astrology of the next 12 months, complete with aligning activities to help you attune with the quality of time found in each day.

Find out more and purchase here


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The Fixed Stars: Collected Writings

97 pp

November 2024

This volume collects over a dozen essays on the stars, many of them updated and revised, to help you understand their majesty and connect with them yourself.

Most of the essays are deep-dives on individual stars or stellar pairings, drawing in all of my years of experience and research to help you feel the whole picture. I’ve included ecliptic degrees so you can see if you have any important placements conjoined the stars mentioned in the book. They are:

  • Castor and Pollux, the Twins of Gemini: 20º and 23º Cancer
  • Acubens, Cancer the Crab: 14º Leo
  • Scheat and Markab, Pegasus Stars: 29º and 23º Pisces
  • Rigel, Foot of the God: 17º Gemini
  • Murzims, the Talking Dog: 7º Cancer
  • Fomalhaut, the Mouth of the Whale: 4º Pisces
  • Betelgeuse, the Victorious Warrior: 29º Gemini
  • Bellatrix, the Women Warrior: 21º Gemini
  • Denebola, the Tail of the Lion: 21º Virgo
  • Zosma, the Back of the Lion: 11º Virgo
  • Alphard, the Heart of the Hydra: 27º Leo

Additionlly, I’ve written essays on the connection between the decans and the stars as well as one exploring six different “Stars of Mysticism,” or the stellar beings who help you connect with your own spiritual, gnostic ability.

Find out more and purchase here

The Monstrous Feminine Zine: an Astrological
Guide of Dark Femininity, for the Misfits, Harlots, Bad Girls, Succubus and Other Witches

116 p.
Digital PDF

Septmber 2024

This zine is a love letter to the complex, expansive, powerful, dark femininity we all hold inside of us.

In collaboration with  Heloïse, we have created a collection of essays that explore the monstrous feminine archetype in its many incarnations. . Through exploring the monstrous side of Saturn, Venus, the Moon and fixed stars Algol and Alphard, we contend with how patriarchy punishes power in women and how to access this wealth of cosmic energy with its dark, ancient roots.

This collection of writing looks to return the witches, sirens, wild women and marvelous beasts to the astrological pantheon to help everyone access all aspects of their femininity

Find out more and purchase here

Styling with the Stars Vol. III: An Astrological Guide to the Fashion and Style of Venus Through the Decans

121 p.
Digital PDF

May 2024

In my third installment of “Styling with the Stars,” I present a sartorial exploration of Venus through the decans. By focusing on the decan of your natal Venus, we learn the stories, archetypes, processes, desires and magic that fuel how you get dressed. This exploration goes beyond dignity and debility to find beauty, glamour and iconic style in each and every part of the zodiac.

In addition to an essay on Venus through the 36 faces, for each decan I include:
  • The degree range and decanic ruler
  • Images and significations associated with each decan
  • Famous icons who embody the style of the decan
  • Quotes from real people about their style

Drawing from my years of decanic study, the traditional images and planetary rules of the decans as well as plenty of research, I have presented a unified theory of decanic style. 

This volume is for novices and experts alike and is designed for accessibility.

May this guide inspire and enliven you; give you new ideas and projects, help you feel seen and, perhaps most importantly, have fun with your fashion.

Find out more and purchase here

Styling with the Stars: Vol. II: an Astrological  Guide to Using Your Natal Chart to Uncover Your
Divine Style

34 p.
Digital PDF

March 2024
In my follow-up to “Styling with the Stars,” this second volume helps you use your chart to uncover all the different facets of your style.

In this guide, I walk you through the meanings of the different parts of your chart that inform your style including:
  • The Ascendant/Rising Sign
  • Venus
  • The 5th House
  • The 2nd House
  • The Lot of Eros

I walk you through how to delineate each of these points and understand the distinct role each part plays in shaping your aesthetics.

We are here to bring out your unique style, not create some cookie cutter set of arbitrary rules to look like everyone else. The world needs you to show up as you— this self-driven creation of your unique style is how style icons are made.

Find out more and purchase here


Styling with the Stars: A Guidebook to Planetary Fashion

22 p.
Digital PDF

January 2024

This guidebook aims to help you make every day a devotion and unlock your unique style. I help you understand building planetary relationships with clothes and aid you in using your birth chart to uncover your iconic sense of aesthetics. 

The guidebook explains the styles, colors, and aesthetics of the seven traditional planets that form the building blocks of astrology— and your fashion sense. In addition to providing hues and stones to wear according to each planet, I also list the people and roles associated with them to give you some ideas for types of outfits to try or people to look to for inspiration.

Understand the planets and you not only have a foundation for understanding astrology but can begin to understand yourself.

Find our more here

The Lot of Eros: A Lecture with Kira Ryberg

2hr 20 minutes

December 2023

This collaborative lecture  provides a deep dive into the Lot of Eros. We take a look at the many meanings of love, the mythology of Eros and the myriad ways that the Lot of Eros can manifest in a life and astrological chart. We provide suggestions for how to delineate the Lot of Eros by looking at several example charts, along with giving you ideas around how to deepen and develop a relationship with Eros’ presence in your own life including planetary ruler, decan, fixed star connections, element and aspects
This lecture is an extensive and comprehensive overview on the Lot of Eros and it explores significations of this hermetic lot that have never been discussed before.

Find our more here

Embodying the Planets: Essays and Somatic Exercises to Connect You to the Divine

63 pp. 
Digital Zine

November 2023
This collection of seven essays is compiled from my newsletter series written over many months with the intention of helping the astro-curious of all skill levels connect to the planets both conceptually and experientially. 

In addition to essays exploring the many expected and unexpected facets of the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, I also conjured several exercises and rituals that you are invited to partake in to bring your understanding of these foundational deities into your body and soul. 

Find our more here

Stellar Gnosis: Connecting with the Fixed Stars

1 hr

October 2023
A video lecture on the process of gnosis, or direct knowledge of the divine, helping us go beyond the established tradition so that we may meet and be intimate with the fixed stars themselves. It is a practical, yet mystical guide to let the stars speak back, influencing and informing our lives. 

This class is meant to go beyond the intellect and help us connect to the stars with our heart and spirit as well as outlining basic ritual and electional structures to help draw down the voices of the stars yourself.

Find out more here.

On the Heliacal Rising and Setting Stars

1 hr

August 2023
A video lecture on the heliacal rising and setting stars in astrology, an exploration of their meaning + role, their role within star phase, their connection to the daimon and how to begin connecting with them yourself!

This class is meant to be a foundational distillation of the most vital knowledge on these daimonic stars, answering a need in the community and a gap in understanding, as well as providing pratical ritual tools to begin forging your own relationship to them.

Find out more here.

An Introduction to the Fixed Stars

1 hr 30 minutes
Video and transcript

April 2023

A video lecture on the fixed stars in astrology, an exploration of their meaning + role in astrology, traditional opinions on the stars, techniques employing the stars and how to begin using them in your life and practice!

This class is meant to be a foundational distillation of the most vital knowledge on the stars, answering a need in the community and a gap in understanding. 

Find out more here.

On the Third Triplicity Lord of the 9th house, Lord of Divination

1 hr 20 minutes
Video and transcript

November 2022

A video lecture on the Lord of Divination in astrology, an exploration of figuring out your divinatory signature using your natal chart and using the elements/embodiment to begin shaping your connection to the divine. 

Find out more here.

In My Own Time: 2022 Intuitive Planner
8x5, 150 pages
Digital and print

December 2021

A way to combine the numinous and the practical, to-do lists and new moons.
Features monthly tarot spreads, reflection questions, transit trackers, divination techniques/rituals.

Find out more here. 


Timelessness 2021: A Calendar

8.5x12, 24 pages
Digital and print

December 2020

A collaboration with photographer and artist Mary Thomas. I wrote an essay for each month of the year informed by astrology, tarot, literature, music and philosophy to help the reader align with the energy of the current time.

To Take Root Among the Stars: Astrology as Healing and Destiny, Class.

November 3rd, 2020

This course integrates my spiritual, astrological and literary lineages and explicitly draws upon intersectional feminist ideas of Audre Lorde, adrienne maree brown, Anne Boyer, and Octavia Butler. While all of these women know the power of collective movement, they do not neglect the power of individual transformation and destiny. By the time you finish this course, you, too will have a deeper understanding of what your individual healing destiny looks like and the transformative potential/revolutionary implications of this self-knowledge. This course does not ask you to change who you are to show up, but, rather, change the parameters of action and healing to reflect your specific journey.

Food is a Song

Penny Press, 2019.

Began in 2017 while living at a Buddhist Monastery, “Food is a Song” seeks to answer the question: How does food make a life? Exploring the intersection of cooking and family, music, literature and spirituality, this book of essays explores a multitude of topics and styles as it provides insight into how one body and mind knows and expresses itself through food. Gratitude for Jade Novarino and Penny Press for printing and publishing this book as well as the 33oc residency in Toffia, Italy to allow for the completion of the manuscript.
Find excerpts here

Coco’s Architecture

Coco’s Architecture is a free-form food collaboration between Chloe Margherita and Jade Novarino. Beginning as a dinner party for twelve in March of 2018, the project draws upon our love of food and each other, taking the form that most inspires us. Coco’s has taken the form of zines, clay ornaments, homemade candles and flower essences, as well as an engagement with holiday, ritual and the occult.

Find out more about our history of projects here

“High Femme,” 2018, x p.

A multimedia chapbook.

“Grief Lessons,” 2016 26 p.

Chapbook of poems and prose.

“White Poems,” 2015 30 p.

Created as a companion and record of a personal study on the color white.