Chloe Margherita is an astrologer, tarot reader, poet and artist living on unceded Cowlitz and Clackamas land in so-called Portland, OR. 

She grew up in New Jersey.

Find out more about her here


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The Stars of Love: using Stellar Magic for Romance and Connection

1hr. 36 minutes

February 2025
 Did you know there are fixed stars specifically attuned to romance and relationships? Did you know you could draw them down and bring more love into your life with them?

This lecture aims to highlight four stars of romance and connection to help you understanding their amorous nature and bring their love magic into your own world.

The Stars of Love are fixed stars that have been historically used to invite in romance, peace, connection

Since the beginning of the year, I have spent time studying and practicing with the fixed stars attuned to bringing more romance and connection into our lives.

Though not exhaustive, the ones I’ve been focusing on are:
  • Mirach, 0º Taurus 
  • Sirius, 14º Cancer 
  • Alpheratz, 14º Aries 
  • Alphecca, 12º Scorpio

All of them are of the nature of Venus (in some cases mixed with another planet). Vivian Robson tells us that Venus stars, “If rising, good fortune, happiness, gifts, fortunate for love and marriage, gain by legacies and inheritances. If culminating, honour and success, dealings with and help through women, success in occupations of a Venus nature”. 

To access these stars is to attune to a divine, spiritual energy that marries your own path with the joys and connections that support it. 

Each star brings forth its own version of connection, ranging from sensual embodiment to friendly socializing to marying intimacy and freedom. 

We will explore the mythology, meaning and magic of each of these stars, particularly their role in romance, as welll as highlighting practices, activitie and rituals you can engage with to bring their love into your own life. 

The Impact of the Stars of Love (i.e. why work with them at all?)

First, a note about the nature of love. at its core, love is a process of surrender: surrendering one’s walls, one’s preconceived notions, one’s old stories or blocks that prevent you from seeing your own loveliness and worthiness.

In the words of Björk, you’ll be given love but maybe not in the direction you’ve been staring at. To walk the journey of love is to allow yourself to be transported to somewhere wholly new, not fully within your control, but opening you up to a bigger connection.

In other words, the Stars of Love won’t make a specific person fall in love with you but help you take the steps to open up to the love pouring forth into your life. It isn’t always pleasurable– desire never is— but it’s alchemical, vital.

By spending time with these stars in an intentional, devotional manner, you assent to being broken open, accessing connections beyond what your mind can imagine.

With that in mind, here are some of the concrete benefits I’ve experienced with these stars:
  • greater ease in socializing, talking to strangers, making new friends 
  • effluent creativity/emotional processing therein
  • increased embodiment and sensual pleasure
  • deep excavation of relational blocks, old wounds and stories at the heart of me the prevent connection 
  • deeper romance with my own life and the beauty in it
  • exposure to moving, beautiful, sexy music, movies, books, etc that light me up and teach me about myself

These are truly just the beginning.

This lecture will help with all manner of love and connection including:
  • romantic relationships
  • healing relational blocks
  • making friends and increasing sociability
  • maintaining healthy boundaries
  • deepening commitment
  • alchemizing heartbreak
  • increasing creativity and making art to heal
  • promoting self-love and compassion
  • beautifying and romanticizing your life
  • working through social anxiety
  • bringing in opportunities (and resources) to treat yourself
  • improving your sex life
  • releasing guilt around your desires
  • healing codependence
  • surrendering to love
  • feeling part of it all

In other words, you don’t need to be single or looking for romantic love to benefit from these stars.

The sort of spiritual love these stars bring permeates not just your romantic relationships but all connections and joys, including the relationship you have with yourself. 

This lecture is for all manner of lovers, romantics, charmers, creatives, regardless of your fixed star knowledge. 

This lecture is for anyone who wants to tap into the connection already present in their lives and make themselves a vessel for even more of it. 

Are you ready to be transformed by the Stars of Love?

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